Power 1:1 Sessions
Do you want to become unstoppable in your business success and reflect your authentic empowered self?
Let's grow yourself to grow your business.
Become confident and fearless
Be invincible and help countless clients
Reach Soul Embodiment
VIP coaching for the woman who is on a mission to make a huge impact, ready to let go of everything holding her back and unite with her Soul to grow her business.

Visionary Intuitive Power Sessions
You will:
Get to the root cause of your self doubt, confidence issues and fears so that you no longer hold yourself back in your work.
Work through the feelings, experiences and patterns that have shaped you so that you can identify with a new empowered version of you.
Learn how to use your gut instincts in your work to make decisions and find inspiration so that you trust in yourself and your abilities.
Create the work life balance needed to have more free time and fulfillment so that you no longer feel drained, exhausted and guilty about taking away time from your family and friends.
Learn how to set boundaries and create healthy relationships so that you honor your needs and ultimately have more energy to reach and help your clients.
Sleep better, understand your purpose as your business becomes fueled by your Soul so that you believe in yourself and your mission and know without doubt you are on the right track.
Find the voice you need to confidently express your authentic self to run your business so that you reach the clients who are in this moment waiting for you to help them.
Learn how to maintain a mindset that is actually working for you so that you can maintain the personal growth you achieve and stop the repetitive negative patterns of self doubt, lack of boundaries and hurtful relationships.
Understand the connection between your inner self, your experiences, your self beliefs and how these are playing out in your current life and business so that you can develop more powerful and helpful beliefs about yourself to elevate your business.
During Our Time Together You Will Receive:
An assessment and customized blueprint of your personal growth needs to elevate your business: Kim provides this by giving you an intuitive reading to access your history, repetitive patterns and healing needs.
Bi-monthly 60 minute coaching sessions: In these sessions Kim will give you intuitive readings and guidance to reach your goals.
Teachings on how to connect within yourself and your Soul for healing and to elevate your business.
Reiki energy healing for your customized individual needs
Customized plan to overcome your limiting self beliefs, confidence and fears to amplify the success of your business. Guidance to reach your goals.
Access to unlimited support via Voxer or Facebook messenger.
Your customized individual needs will be addressed.

Hello Beautiful Soul!
Throughout my life, I was filled with fear, anxiety and self doubt and when I began my business, it showed up there too. Wanting to help others and have a successful business motivated me more than anything else to address my personal blocks.
I kept thinking I needed more strategy and training, taking classes and certifications to be ready to do the work I really wanted to do.
This can be endless, can’t it?
There was only one true solution, to work on myself. I addressed my anxiety, attacked my doubts and fears and strengthened my confidence.
I realized it wasn’t more strategy and training that I needed, I had to overcome my obstacles and heal.
My business was just waiting for me to “un-become” that anxious doubting person to become my whole embodied self.
You need to grow yourself to grow your business into the greatest vision you have. I created a blueprint to help you do this too.
I am a developed evidential medium, licensed therapist, LICSW and Reiki Master Teacher who guides you to Soul embodiment to empower you to become fearless in your business.
Imagine, feeling ready to do the work.....confidently presenting yourself and making decisions authentically yours without fear or doubt….
….finding balance in your time management, sleeping better and no longer feeling guilty when work pulls you away….
….using your business as an expression of your Soul and waking up excited for your day…
Living a happy, balanced and fulfilled life of purpose and success is the dream of every entrepreneur, and as we work together will become your reality.
​Kim has over 37 years of experience as a social worker and has worked with thousands of clients during her career, hundreds in her private coaching and therapy practice and given hundreds of readings as an intuitive medium. She has been teaching for 9 years.
What Clients Are Saying:
Diana J.
"My Coaching experience with Kim has been the most amazing experience and healing I have ever had, and I have worked with many. Not only was it enlightening, uplifting and answered so many of most personal questions, it was truly empowering. Thank you for this powerful coaching experience Kim."
Lydia M.
"I had to share, I got a gratitude journal with prompts and today's question was: Who are you grateful for? I said you because you have been a bright light in my life. You shined a light on my gifts and all I bring to the world. You make me feel seen and capable of anything! Then it prompted me for more of your wonderful qualities: I said, she is extremely positive, kind and a calming presence. She is an amazing coach, mentor and healer. She offers a sense of peace, calm and healing to all people she encounters. She teaches how to get in touch with the truth of who we really are. I wanted to share this with you because I wanted you to know what a wonderful impact you have had on my life - no sense letting it sit in a journal for your to never hear. xo"
Robyn G.
"I so appreciate Kim's insightful, empathic, and down-to-earth nature. I've received such valuable guidance in our work together. She's supported me to strengthen the mechanics behind my mediumship, and her insights into my personal development -- namely around my limiting beliefs -- have helped me to peel back the layers that have stood in the way of my connection to spirit and to myself. I've left our sessions feeling lighter and more capable."
3 and 6 month
Visionary Intuitive Power (VIP)
Session packages

3 Month Package:
bi-monthly sessions for 3 months
$1333 Paid in full
Payment Plan option:
3 monthly payments of $555
6 Month Package:
bi-monthly sessions for 6 months
$2333 paid in full
Payment Plan option:
6 monthly payments of $444
Complete the application below to be placed on a waitlist and have a Free Be Inspired Call with Kim to discuss your journey and blueprint.
What aspects of my life will improve?
You will have the opportunity to:
Work through self-doubt
Stop endless work which has not giving you the results you desire for your anxiety, trauma and grief
Let go of hurtful self-talk
Free yourself from worry
Trust, value and believe in yourself, and discover your self-love within
Connect to joy
Stop feeling overwhelmed as an empath
Learn how to set boundaries
Live in gratitude
Discover your life purpose and create a life with meaning
Enhance your work by letting go of limiting beliefs and understanding your purpose
Allow the love from deep within you to be your driving force in every expression of you
What does connecting with my inner self mean and will I be able to do it?
Connecting within is learning how to move away from the voice of your ego mind - that constant chatter - and connect more deeply with the voice of your heart and Soul. This is a part of you that already believes in you. Kim will teach you simple techniques to learn how to access this powerful part of you for guidance and healing.
What are my payment options?
You may choose to pay in full at a discounted rate or a payment plan options. Please reach out to Kim if finances are an issue.​
All work is remote via Zoom.

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